Industrial and Labour Relations

Aware of the importance of human resources in the life of any business and in its development, Studio Ciattaglia, Pellegrini & Partners is able to assist its clients in the analysis of the impact of current labour legislation, in the fulfilments required by labour law, in the management of relationships with employees and collaborators, in the preparation of the necessary internal policies and in the solution of potential problems that may arise in the relationship with certain employees and/or collaborators.

In this area, Studio Ciattaglia, Pellegrini & Partners is able to perform the following activities: Drafting of opinions, aimed at highlighting labour-law aspects, such as the applicability of specific provisions in each disputed case; Identification and analysis of usable contracts, also through due diligence activities for specific economic sectors. In the context of due diligence aimed at highlighting the risks inherent in the management of the employment relationship, the Firm can carry out the following activities :

  • analysis, drafting or, if optimal in this case, revision of a contract form already in use;
  • drafting and revising models and contractual clauses for subordinate, para-subordinate and autonomous employment relationships;
  • drafting and revising, especially for companies belonging to multinational groups, the clauses and contractual models for managing the employment relationship of any employees seconded abroad.

Assistance in the management of conflicts arising during the employment relationship, in terms of litigation management, in and out of court and in arbitration, if possible, in the field of employment law, with particular regard to

  • the management of the conciliation/arbitration phase;
  • the drafting of defence documents;
  • management of the various stages of litigation.

Assistance in the assessment of the classification of companies for INPS and INAIL insurance and social security purposes, consisting in the identification of the applicable social security managements (including the assessment, in court, of the employer's contribution and insurance obligation) and in the drafting of administrative and judicial appeals related to the supervisory activities carried out by INPS and/or INAIL for omitted/irregular payment of social security contributions and/or insurance premiums.
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