Facilitated finance regulations aimed at reducing, through non-repayable grants, the cost of investments that companies intend to make - have been introduced in virtually all EU countries as well as in most non-EU countries, and specific subsidised finance programmes have been set up by the EU to support companies in their development projects.
With the common aim of facilitating enterprises through subsidies aimed at reducing the cost of investments, the programmes differ in terms of the subsidised sectors (i.e. enterprises eligible to apply for subsidies), the criteria for assessing applications, the eligible expenses in eligible investments, the amount of subsidies available and the institutions with which the applicant enterprise must interact.
In addition to grants, other facilities take the form of subsidised loans (e.g. interest rate subsidies or interest-free loans).
In this varied and articulated context, the Firm - as a result of the experience acquired by a member of the team since 1997 - is able to:
-assist each client in identifying the most appropriate call for tenders/facilitated finance instrument potentially accessible in the light of its specific situation and investment projects;
prepare, in the interest of the client, the application for access to the facility, complete with the required accompanying documentation (e.g. business plan);
assist the client, after obtaining the subsidy, in the subsequent (but equally important) phase of accounting, and/or in the event of verifications by the granting institution.